S-BPM/Abstract PASS Shapes for Microsoft Visio


The following shapes allow you to describe process models in Microsoft Visio 2013 and newer.


Licence idea is that of creative commons: CC-BY-NC-SA.

So feel free to try them for teaching and working.
If you sell them or use them for professional consulting work, cut me in.  

No warranties, by the way.


Installation Guideline:

  1. Download both Stencils (“Abstract PASS SID” and “Abstract PASS SBD") from here (DropBoxLink - ignore the log-in screens)
  2. Copy both stencils into the “My Shapes” Folder that Visio Access.
  3. Open a new Document in Visio.
  4. If the stencils are in the correct place you should be able to open them via the “Shapesà further Shapes à My Shapes”
  5. Open the “SID” stencil (it contains the modelling logic and will open the SBD automatically



Handling Tutorial Video

The following video is a brief introduction into how to handle the shapes.

Note: The stencils allow you to model  basic subject oriented process models, but also more.


Formally the modelling language is called the “Parallel Activity Specification Shema” (PASS), but since the term for concept or method subject-oriented business process management (S-BPM) is more widely know, the corresponding models are often called S-BPM diagrams or S-BPM process models, even though technically they are PASS models (compared to models modeled in the modelling language BPMN)


The stencils actually contain more shapes than standard PASS. They are meant to have the modelling capabilities to model “Abstract Layered PASS” (ALPS) diagrams as described in [1].


[1] Elstermann, Matthes Abstract Layers in PASS – A Concept Draft, In: S-BPM ONE - Application Studies and Work in Progress Volume 422 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science pp 125-136 http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-06191-7_8